Disney Theatrical produced its newest musical, "The Little Mermaid," based on the 1989 animated feature, in 2007. The show performed its pre-Broadway tryout in Denver in the summer and opened for previews in New York in November 2007. The show officially opened in January 2008. The show starred Sierra Boggess as Ariel, Eric Palmer as Prince Eric and Sherie Rene Scott as Ursula. The set and costume design attempts to create an underwater world, which is assisted by the cast's wearing of roller skates. As they roll across stage, it appears as if they are gliding or swimming.
The stage version features the same songs as in the movie, with a score by Alan Menken and lyrics by the late Howard Ashman. However, new songs were added with lyrics by Glenn Slater including "Human Stuff" performed by Scuttle, "Her Voice" performed by Prince Eric, and "The World Above" performed by Ariel. The show has had success over the last year and a half and shows no signs of closing within the short future. To watch part of the show, click the link below:
The Lion King
"The Lion King" based on the 1994 animated Disney feature opened on Broadway in November 1997 and has had critical and public success in the 12 years since. It has since opened in London and Toronto and has had several national tours, and is currently the ninth longest-running show on Broadway. "The Lion King" won six Tony awards: Best Musical, Best Scenic Design, Best Costume Design, Best Lighting Design, Best Choreography and Best Director.
Elton John and Tim Rice wrote the score and lyrics for the stage version and animated version, adding new songs to the stage version, including "They Live in You," "The Morning Report," and "Shadowland." The role of Rafiki (the baboon) was changed to a female character in the stage version to provide a leading female character.
Many of the cast portraying animals in the production use extra 'tools' to move their costumes. For example, the giraffes are portrayed by actors carefully walking on stilts. The Lions use mechanical headpieces that can be raised and lowered to create illusions of cat-like behavior. Other characters, such as the hyenas, Zazu, Timon, and Pumbaa, are portrayed by actors in life-sized puppets or costumes.
"The Lion King" is probably the most successful Disney musical to date. To watch collage of scenes from the production click on the link below.
"The Lion King" is probably the most successful Disney musical to date. To watch collage of scenes from the production click on the link below.
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