March 1, 2009

Disney Trivia Quiz

Think you know your Disney stuff? Take the following ten-question trivia quiz and leave your answers in the 'comments' section. I will post the answers within the week and see who got the most questions correct. No cheating! Close those Internet browsers!

1) What Disney movie was the first full-length animated feature to be produced in the United States?
A: Pinocchio
B: Steamboat Willie
C: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
D: Bambi

2) Some scenes of woodland creatures and the forest fire in Bambi are actually unused footage from what other Disney movie?
A: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
B: Pinocchio
C: Fantasia
D: Peter and the Wolf

3) What was the only character in Disney's Alice in Wonderland that did not appear in Lewis Carroll's books?
A: The Doorknob
B: Dormouse
C: Queen of Hearts
D: Alice's sister

4) What Disney movie was the first full-length animated feature to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Picture?
A: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
B: Bambi
C: Beauty and the Beast
D: The Lion King

5) In Sleeping Beauty, the cookies that the fairies eat with tea are shaped like what?
A: a spinning wheel
B: a pentagram
C: a castle
D: Mickey Mouse

6) What is the only Disney animated feature film that has a title character who doesn't speak?
A: Lilo & Stitch
B: Lady and the Tramp
C: Dumbo
D: The Fox and the Hound

7) What was the last film personally overseen by Walt Disney?
A: Lady and the Tramp
B: The Jungle Book
C: The Sword in the Stone
D: The Little Mermaid

8) What are Cinderella’s step-sisters names?
A: Ginny and Eleanor
B: Drizella and Anastasia
C: Lucille and Calypso
D: Rhoda and Verna

9) What is the name of Maleficent’s pet raven?
A: Arpel
B: Bastille
C: Diablo
D: Arthus

10) What is Donald Duck’s full name?
A: Donald Chauncy Duck
B: Donald Gilderoy Duck
C: Donald Charles Duck
D: Donald Fauntleroy Duck

Good luck!


  1. 1) C. Snow White
    2) A. Snow White
    3) D. Alice's Sister
    4) D. The Lion King
    5) A. Spinning Wheel
    6) C. Dumbo
    7) B. The Jungle Book
    8) D. Rhoda and Verna
    9) B. Bastille
    10) B. Donald Gilderoy Duck

  2. 1)B Steamboat willie
    2)C Fantasia
    3)B Dormouse
    4)A Snow White
    5)D Mickey Mouse
    6)C Dumbo
    7)C Sword in the Stone
    8)B Drizilla and Anastasia
    9)C Diablo
    10)C Donald Charles Duck

  3. 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.A

  4. 1-B

    This was a good one. I really didnt know alot of the answers cause its been awhile but it was fun to guess and think back.

  5. Here are the answers:

    1) C. Snow White was the first animated feature to be produced in the U.S. back in 1937.

    2) B. Some unused footage from Pinocchio (1940) became part of Bambi (1942). This one only makes sense when you look at the years.

    3) A. The Doorknob was not a character in Lewis Carroll's books.

    4) C. Beauty and the Beast was the first Disney animated feature to be nominated for Best Picture in 1991, but it lost to Silence of the Lambs. However, it did win the Golden Globe for Best Picture in 1991, the first full-length animation to do so.

    5) D. This one could trick you, but yes, the cookies in Sleeping Beauty are shaped like Mickey Mouse - his head and ears.

    6) C. Dumbo never speaks, the only main title character not to talk.

    7) B. The Jungle Book was the last film Walt Disney ever personally oversaw in 1967.

    8) B. Cinderella's step-sisters names are Drizella and Anastasia, the daughters of Lady Tremaine

    9) C. This one was really hard, but the raven's name is Diablo.

    10) D. It's Donald Fauntleroy Duck, as the 1942 animated short, Donald Gets Drafted, says.

    Good job to all who took this quiz! Bonnie had the most right, with 4 correct answers. Rebecca and Kayla both got 3 right and MSBPINK got 2. It was a toughie. Thanks for playing along!

  6. Ahh well I guess it's obvious we didn't cheat! Congrats to Bonnie!
