February 15, 2009

Mary Poppins celebrates 45th anniversary

Disney released the 45th anniversary edition of its 1964 film, Mary Poppins on Jan. 27, 2009. Following a 40th anniversary special edition back in 2004, this restored and remastered version features more behind-the-scenes bonus features and scenes from the Broadway musical version of Mary Poppins. It's kind of odd that Disney would release the same film so close together, but with the popularity of Blu Ray format and the popularity of the Broadway musical, I guess it makes sense. Similarly, there has been rumor of re-releasing both Beauty and the Beast and Snow White, both released for special edition back in 2002 and 2001, respectively. Hopefully, though, Disney continues to release editions of animated features yet to be released on special edition, or I may never complete my collection.


  1. Although Disney is near and dear to my heart, I'm not one to keep up with the new and special editions that get rereleased.
    Still, Mary Poppins and, as you mentioned, Beauty and the Beast, are two of my favorites! Those movies produce some of warmest fuzzies around.

    I do agree it is odd the way Disney keeps tweaking and improving versions to sell. It makes me really suspicious that they are just trying to make dishonest money...

  2. I think that this is probably the coolest blog that I have ever read. Not that I am a huge blog reader but I this is definatly the coolest blog topic ever. I am looking forward to reading the rest. :)

  3. Its good to know that if one missed an edition that they can get a new one...but really, how many versions of these movies can there be? Release some that haven't been already!
    You should put a list of all the Disney movies on here, and note which have been released and which have not.

  4. How is it possible Mary Poppins was released 45 years ago? It is as fresh today as it was then- one of my favorite musicals. I'm excited to see the behind the scenes bonus features.

  5. Thanks, Victoria, for your comment. Stay tuned for that list!

  6. Thats because Mary Poppins is still a cool hip nanny! Sometimes you need a spoon full of sugar to help the medicine go down. Just like you need something good and sweet to help you through the bad times. Whow! To deep for me!

  7. Dick Van Dyke was one cool dude back then (not that he still isn't!) I can't wait to see him dance across chimneys again.

    I remember trying to spell Supercalifragilous Expialidocious with friends as a kid. The ultimate spelling challenge!

  8. Looks like you need to keep remembering, Rebecca. I believe your missing an -istic at the end of supercalifragilistic.

    And yes, Dick Van Dyke is awesome. Makes me want to watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
