February 18, 2009

Seek and Ye Shall Find

So, we've all heard that several Disney movies have subliminal erotic messages. Do they or don't they? Some of the easiest to spot include:

* The cover of the original release of "The Little Mermaid" pictures King Triton's palace. However, one of the towers (in the middle under the tallest tower) is shaped like a penis. And not by accident. According to sources at TheStraightDope.com, the artist who designed the cover intentionally drew the tower as a penis, but upon completing it, realized the image was a little too obvious. However, he had to turn it in for deadline before he could fix it and no one ever called him about it, so he figured the execs liked the subliminal image, or just never noticed. But, you can definitely notice! Check out the picture I found that 'points' it out.

* In "The Lion King," the word SEX is supposedly formed in the clouds above Simba's head after he watches his father die and falls to the ground, sending dust into the clouds. This one you can really only see if you're watching for it, and some people say the word is SFX (special effects department). But if it does say sex, than Disney had to have done it intentionally because it takes dozens of designers, directors and animators to produces a scene, and everyone would have had to know about it in order for it be completed.

* The animators sure had fun with "The Little Mermaid," because they made the priest who marries Ursula and Eric at the end look like he has an erection. And it really does look like it. Turns out, if you look hard enough, pun intended, it's acutally his knee, but that's not as much fun.

* In "Aladdin," it's rumored that you can hear Aladdin say "good teenagers take off their clothes" when he's Prince Ali and talking to Jasmine on her balcony and the tiger Rajah is climbing up on him. If you listen for it, it does sound like that 's true. If you don't listen for that phrase exactly, it probably doesn't sound like anything.

* In the theatrical release of "The Rescuers," there are couple frames of a topless model seen when Bianca and Bernard are flying on the albatross, gliding down into the city. Apparently everyone knew it was there and it was taken out for the first home release of the film. However, according to TheStraightDope.com, the 1999/2000 re-release of the film had the two frames in it, meaning someone forgot about it or the re-release was made from a different cut. Disney recalled that release (putting it back in the vault) and released another version without the nude model a few months after that.

Know any other erotic subliminal messages? Another post will list movies and scenes where you can see former Disney characters, which is a lot, but the erotic subliminal elements are a little more fun to try and catch just because it's Disney, you know, a children's empire. If you do know something else, let me know!


  1. I believe what Aladdin says is actually 'Good girls take off their clothes.'

  2. I have always heard these rumors but my blind eyes were never able to catch any of them. That is hilarious. I remember how people made such a huge deal over it. TO be honest when I was younger and really into the disney thing I never would have noticed.

  3. I thought Aladdin said: 'Good girls take off all their clothes." But some research all said what I have posted. Looks like I'll have to watch again. Thanks for the possible clarification!

  4. I actually have the original Little Mermaid case! I haven't listened for the Aladdin thing, but I will now! I wonder how many other little kid movies that aren't made by Disney have subliminal messages...creepy.

  5. You post sparked my interest and I started checking into comments made by other insightful bloggers like yourself. I found plenty of far-reaches but the full depth of internet information available on the subject starts to get you wondering!

  6. Tee Hee, I remember watching Aladdin with my brother and trying to hear the subliminal messaging. We would rewind the VHS until the tape started to wear out, but could never find it!
